Trainer Application

Trainer Application

Hello & Thank you for showing you're interest in the Training Department at American Bus Company ! When filling out this application please remember to read every question carefully and answer them to the best of your ability. 🚌

❗ REQUIREMENTS »You must be over the age of 13 » You must use Grammar » 2 sentences is required & complete sentences » Must be a Bus Driver or above (3 months minimum) » Quota for Trainers is 5 sessions per month.

Training Positions is a rigorous job and requires time and dedication. Therefore, accepted applications undergo high training before becoming certified Trainers. To ensure your most valued application, please apply with great detail. Low-detail applications will be declined. If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to contact the Training Department Director or the Board of Directors, Good Luck!

signed, Training Department Team Doc | Alex

Section 1 of 425%

General Information

Roblox Username


Discord Username




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